hueplusplus 1.2.0
No Matches
Build and install

Basic installation

Clone from github

To get the newest version of the hueplusplus library, clone it directly from github. The master branch contains the latest tested and stable version, while the development branch is more unstable.

~ $ git clone

This creates a folder hueplusplus with the library sources.

When you want to update the library for a new version, use pull with rebase.

~/hueplusplus $ git pull --rebase

Build with CMake

To build the library, you need to use CMake version 3.10 or higher. It is easiest to create a separate build directory where the build files are stored.

~/hueplusplus $ mkdir build
~/hueplusplus $ cd build
~/hueplusplus/build $ cmake ..
~/hueplusplus/build $ make

To install or uninstall the library use the make targets.

~/hueplusplus/build $ make install
~/hueplusplus/build $ make uninstall

Use in a CMake project

If you have a project that already uses CMake you probably want to add the hueplusplus library directly in your cmake file. For that the best way is to use find_package().

find_package(hueplusplus REQUIRED)

But this will only work if the hueplusplus library is already installed. Instead, if you have the hueplusplus repository included in your project repository (as a submodule) or know where the folder lives you can do the following:

find_package(hueplusplus QUIET)
if(NOT hueplusplus_FOUND)
message(STATUS "-- hueplusplus not found, building it")
add_subdirectory("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/<path to directory>/hueplusplus" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/hueplusplus")

This will check if the hueplusplus library was found by find_package() and if not it will use the specified path to the library source and compile it during the build process.

The cmake project defines two library targets: hueplusplusstatic to link as a static library and hueplusplusshared to link as a shared library.

target_link_libraries(<executable> PUBLIC hueplusplusstatic)

Use in another project

When you are not using CMake, you have to install hueplusplus and change your build configuration to link to the compiled library. The header files in the include directory need to be added to the include path. How you do this depends on the build system.

Building tests

If you additionally want to run the tests use cmake with the option -Dhueplusplus_TESTS=ON. Testing is done with Google gtest and gmock. Note that you wont need to install gtest/gmock yourself, because cmake will automatically download them and include them during the build. The custom target unittest compiles and executes all tests.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -Dhueplusplus_TESTS=ON
make unittest

If you also want to execute coverage tests you will need to install gcov and lcov yourself. To run the coverage test use

make coveragetest

Building examples

There are some small example programs using this library in the examples folder. To build them, set hueplusplus_EXAMPLES=ON. The target hueplusplus_examples builds all examples into build/examples.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -Dhueplusplus_EXAMPLES=ON
make hueplusplus_examples

External libraries

Hueplusplus requires a few external libraries (e.g. Mbed TLS and GTest), which are included automatically. If these are pre-installed on your system, those versions will be used by default. This can potentially cause issues if your installed versions are incompatible. In this case, set hueplusplus_NO_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES=ON to force using the embedded versions instead of the installed libraries.