hueplusplus  1.0.0
Shared state cache

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There are two ways in which the API state (internally JSON) can be handled:

  1. Every resource instance holds its own cache of the state (default).
  2. All instances share the cache of the entire bridge.

Because of these considerations, shared state is disabled by default.

Shared state can be configured when the bridge is first constructed, either in getBridge() or in the constructor. Set sharedState to true to keep all resources connected to the bridge cache.

hueplusplus::Bridge bridge = finder.getBridge(bridges[0], true);
hueplusplus::Bridge bridge("", 80, "<username>", handler, "", std::chrono::seconds(10), true);

When shared cache is used, refreshes use a hierarchichal structure to determine how much should be requested from the bridge. Every level has its own last update time and refresh duration. First, it is checked whether the higher level is up to date and refresh everything if not. Otherwise, only the lowest necessary level is requested from the bridge to be more efficient.

hueplusplus::Light light = bridge.lights().get(1);
// ... wait some time
bool on = light.isOn();

isOn() is a non-const method (in this case). That means it will refresh the state if it is outdated. The default refresh time is inherited from bridge.lights(), so it is 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the state of light and bridge.lights() is outdated. Therefore, the entire list of lights is updated at this point.

After more than one minute, the bridge state is considered outdated. This means that isOn() causes an update of the entire bridge.