hueplusplus  1.0.0
Getting started

To start searching for a Hue Bridge you will need to choose an IHttpHandler and create one. The options are a WinHttpHandler (for windows) or a LinHttpHandler (for linux or linux-like).

Then create a BridgeFinder object with the handler. The handler is needed, because it tells the finder which functions to use to communicate with a bridge or your local network. After that you can call findBridges(), which will return a vector containing the ip and mac address of all found Bridges.

// For windows use std::make_shared<hueplusplus::WinHttpHandler>();
auto handler = std::make_shared<hueplusplus::LinHttpHandler>();
hueplusplus::BridgeFinder finder(handler);
std::vector<hueplusplus::BridgeFinder::BridgeIdentification> bridges = finder.findBridges();
if (bridges.empty())
std::cerr << "No bridges found\n";

If you have found the Bridge you were looking for, you can then move on with the authentication process. To get a new username from the Bridge (for now) you simply call getBridge(bridges[<index>]), where index is your preferred Bridge from the part Searching for Bridges. This requires the user to press the link button.

hueplusplus::Bridge bridge = finder.getBridge(bridges[0]);

If you on the other hand already have a username you can add your bridge like so

finder.addUsername(bridges[0].mac, "<username>");
hueplusplus::Bridge bridge = finder.getBridge(bridges[0]);

If you do not want to use the BridgeFinder or you already know the ip and username of your bridge you have the option to create your own Hue object. Here you will need to provide the ip address, the port number, a username and an HttpHandler

// For windows use std::make_shared<hueplusplus::WinHttpHandler>();
auto handler = std::make_shared<hueplusplus::LinHttpHandler>();
hueplusplus::Bridge bridge("", 80, "<username>", handler);

At this point you may want to decide whether to use a shared state cache model or keep the default settings.

hueplusplus::Light light = bridge.lights().get(1);

Use transactions to change multiple properties at once.

hueplusplus::Group group = bridge.groups().get(1);